Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Pollen ~ Contrails ~ Pembs Sunset

Today's Sol picture wasn't up to much, so I had to be content with poor contrast prominences. 

Infact, the past few weeks has consistently returned poor solar images in both naked eye and camera.

There's so much pollen floating around at the moment, I wouldn't be surprised that degrades the seeing.

Though my main bone of contention has to be those jumbo jets travelling their transatlantic flight path. The contrails they leave in their wake often form a veil of cloud that sits over the county for hours at a time !  

The past few weeks I have noticed a big increase in the "across the pond" traffic, add that to the last few weeks of poor prominence seeing... I wonder if there's a connection?

Last Night.

Last night I called in to my local astronomy club,  The Preseli Astronomy Group. It was great to catch up with old friends and to meet new members. 

There was a white light solar telescope setup and I had also brought along my Ha PST.

A brilliant evening, with lots of astronomy talk and a great observing session of old Sol in both white light and Hydrogen alpha.

On the way home Helen and I stopped in a layby and watched the Sun bid us goodnight.

What better way to finish the day, than with a great Pembrokeshire sunset.

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