Thursday, 22 June 2023

Measuring the filaments.

Today's Sol image revealed a beautiful snake like filament

It got me thinking... How long is that filament?

With the help of the laptop software, I decided to have a go at making a rough guess.

By placing a grid over today's Sol image I was able to "very" roughly figure out the filament length.

As the Sun is around 865,000 miles in diameter, and the grid took sixteen squares to cross the Sun's diameter I figured that each square was roughly 54,000 miles wide.  

865,000/16 = 54,062 miles.

The filament in question, down near the 5.00 clock position on the image easily stretched some two squares.

By my "very rough" reckoning today's filament was around 108,000 miles from end to end!

If you ever decided to walk the length of that filament, at a speed of five mile per hour, without stopping, it would take you just under two and a half years to reach the other end!

How long would it take to walk from one end of the Sun to the other end ? How long would it take to walk from the Sun to my back  garden? 

I think I'll leave these questions for another time.


After some photoshop tweaking of today's image I found a new way (for me) to display the solar detail. 

It needs further work to be of any use, though for now I am pleased with the results.

That snaking filament shows up much better in this new image format.

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