Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Clarkson crater vs Alphabet craters.

If you look up any Moon map or lunar software program, you can't help but notice that many of the main craters have smaller craters dotted around them with no names. 

Worst still those dotted craters have been given the name of its parent crater with a letter of the alphabet stuck on the end.

For example, crater Gassendi has an array of alphabet craters scattered all around, a quick look reveals a, b, e, g, k, m, n, p, .... etc!  where's the poetry in that!  

My main interest in this blog post is the crater Gassendi A,  there is a contender for a permanent naming of this crater, a very worthy contender.  Clarkson!

As far as I know the IAU is responsible for naming the Moon features, if so, IAU please can you come up with more interesting names than Gassendi a,b,c,d,e,f..... etc!

I'm not advocating for the crater "Donald Duck", or crater  "BigHolePieFace" just a simple nod toward many of the amateur astronomers who spent countless hours mesmerised by the light of Selene.

Here's an old newspaper clipping to further my case for Gassendi A to be renamed Clarkson crater. 

At the end of the day I don't expect that any of the "alphabet" craters will be officially renamed. 

Though there's nothing stopping me making a personal Moon map, complete with several worthy amateur Moon watchers added.

Roland Clarkson definitely fits the title of worthy amatuer Moon watcher.

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