Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Last night's Saturn sketching.


I've been waiting for weeks to have a decent view of Saturn..

Last night I was rewarded with a fair view of the ringed planet.

I firstly tried out the 15mm kellner with the x4 Barlow (x315), this was unsuccessful, the image was poor.

Then I tried the Barlow with the 25mm eyepiece (x190)..  this combination was perfect for last night's Pembrokeshire Skies.

The seeing wasn't brilliant, but at least I was able to detect slight surface detail, albeit very fleeting.

The Cassini Division was less pronounced than usual, but all things considered I was more than happy with the view.

My intention for the session was to make a sketch of Saturn.


At the x190 magnification Titan and Rhea could easily be seen.

May is usually a good month in Pembrokeshire for clear seeing, the heat hazes of the Summer months haven't yet arrived.

With a bit of luck we might have some turbulence free planet watching ahead of us.

Here's a recent photograph I took of Saturn..... I think I'll stick to sketching.


  1. Love the sketch (watercolor) of Saturn. I have been spying her over the last few days.Nice to see her back up in the evening sky. Looking forward to more. Wishing you clear skies over the weekend.

    1. Thank You Mike... :0)

      I'm hoping to catch a few sketches of the main satellites of Saturn... So far Titan and Rhea... Fingers crossed for a few more very soon....

      Have a great Saturnian weekend...

      Hello to Beth ...... :0))

      Helen loved the magnolia blossoms.... :0)

  2. Replies
    1. Tal2 has had a full tune up.....

      I couldn't free up the collimating bolts, but luckily a few well placed washers in the mirror adjustment assembly seems to have collimated the primary nicely....

      The collimated image of Saturn is much improved...

      I'm using the supplied Tal x4 Barlow... The Barlow looks really basic, but I'm surprised at how well it works... even at x315 the image holds up well..

      I can't wait for the next "Saturn Show" tonight.... :0))

      Clear Saturn Skies

      Mark... :0)


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