Well the Moon was eclipsed this morning, though from here, overlooking Newgale cliffs it was the clouds that did the eclipsing!
If memory serves, Helen and I have missed at least the last three lunar eclipses due to cloud cover.
Never mind, there's another chance to see a lunar eclipse later this autumn, on the 7th of September.
More about that in September.
As I have no photos to show from this morning's eclipse, here are a couple of my favourites from years gone by.
The best thing about this type of lunar event, in my mind, is that the whole eclipse takes a long time to complete.
That slow crawl of the Earth's shadow across the lunar surface is mesmerising.
Plus the wonderful "eclipse" quiet of the night, which seems to be more pronounced as the shadow progresses.
It's a time to sit and ponder, a time of calming down, an event that slows clocks and resets the mind.
A meditation I guess.
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