Wednesday, 1 January 2025

First evening of 2025

Welcome to 2025, and what better welcome than a crystal clear January 1st winter evening sky.

Such a beautiful night, stars shining and bright.

A shooting star from Auriga to Ursa Minor (Kochab). A long slow trail, slightly broken in places. Almost bright enough to be put in the bollide category.

Binocular views through my Russian 8x30s revealed M36, M37, M38, M41, M42, M44, M45 and the Hyades. 

Mars was shining bright just above the Beehive Cluster M44.

21.30 UT  - Leo rising near Roch Castle, a cold evening, no wind. 

So silent, so welcome, it's been ages since I witnessed a night like this.

Slowly and with no fuss a few sounds meandered their way. 

Firstly the distant crash of the waves on Newgale's pebbled beach, then a nearby owl hooting, plus an aeroplane high up heading out across the cold Atlantic ocean.

With fire lit and embers, wood smoke smell from chimney the  stars truly became more brilliant. 

There had been an aurora earlier in the evening, nothing that the eye could detect, but the phone camera captured a whisper of that familiar red.

Aurora Glow - Apologies for the wobbly wobbly stars

It was light  until about  16:50 UT tonight.

Spring is definitely getting closer, the nights are starting to noticeably draw out.

Here's to many more 2025 clear skies.

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