Saturday, 18 December 2021

Mr Blue Sky is back.

Finally after nearly two months of cloud, rain, and winter gales... the blue sky reappears.

Been going slightly mad waiting for the blue sky return.  

Thankfully this morning the clouds evaporated, the Sun shone with Winter bright, and the sky was washed once again with heart warming blue.

Managed to see a couple of prominences and filaments on old Sol, plus a train of several sunspot groups.

To really round off this bluest of days, I managed to photograph the Moon as it was rising over the trig point of our nearest mountain, the Frenni Fawr.

A  good day for Sol and Selene,  and as I write this, it isn't even dark yet.

Hopefully clear skies tonight.

Thank you blue sky Pembrokeshire weather... clouds gone... all recent bad weather is forgiven.

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