Wednesday, 27 January 2016

First Light for the "Jason" 60mm/f15.2 refractor.

“I've never owned a telescope, but it's something I'm thinking of looking into.” - George Carlin
Since November of last year it has rained almost everyday in Pembrokeshire, the starry skies have been few and far between.

Needless to say I've had a bit of astronomical "cabin fever"!

There has been the odd clear night, plus several small windows of viewing opportunity, but usually only some ten minutes or so, not enough time to set up the Schmidt C8. 

The skies that have been clear returned poor to average seeing.

The Schmidt did not fair well peering through that most murky of Pembrokeshire gloom.

To beat the poor seeing and the slow setup time of the Schmidt telescope, I decided to buy a smaller aperture telescope, with quicker and easier set up time.

I had my mind set on a long focal length 60mm refractor.

60mm/f15.2 Jason refractor

Within a week of searching I had found a lovely 60mm/f15.2 Jason refractor (Thank You Alan). 

Perfect for the temperamental Pembrokeshire skies.

First Light with the Jason went to Jupiter. The North and South Equatorial Belts  were easily spotted.

Jason 60mm/f15.2 refractor x101 (9mm Ortho)

My 9mm orthoscopic (x101) eyepiece showed pleasing detail even though the seeing was at best AIII.

The thermals from the nearby houses were making Jupiter dance and shimmer a bit, but considering the murky sky, the Jovian giant stood up well.
So far a promising result for the tiny refractor.

Sirius was next on the list. Through the Jason it was a beautiful white Airy disk, with a partial Airy pattern.

With the 9mm ortho eyepiece Sirius was ice white. With the 6mm plossl (x151) eyepiece Sirius hinted at a slight white/brown ochre colour. 

The Pleiades fitted completely within the field of view with the 40mm Kellner (x22) eyepiece.  

The moon looked pin sharp with the 9mm (x101) eyepiece.  

Along the terminator of the almost full moon the crater Pythagoras stood out sharply with plenty of inky blackness beyond the limb.

The evening was cold, the clouds were many,  and the near full moon sky had washed out most of the stars below the second magnitude. 

I had to cut the observing session short, for after only fifteen minutes of observing, in came the clouds and they parked themselves over the county for the remainder of the night..... 

Still, that first fifteen minutes has proved the Jason refractor to be a little champion of a telescope.

I now have a small lightweight scope that I can quickly grab and be outside observing in less than a minute.

Come on clouds clear off, I want to see what this tiny refractor is capable of.....

Clear Skies



  1. Nice report mark! It's good to see how well even a small scope can deliver decent views, I look forward to hearing how it does with the doubles, I am sure that it will very soon be aimed at a few!

  2. Thanks Kim, fingers crossed for some clear skies in February... :-)


When the West wind blows.

There's some windy stormy weather heading towards Pembrokeshire over the next few days. Looks as if I might not have a clear night for a...