Sunday, 18 November 2018

Leonids over dark skies 2018

Waldo Stone - photo: Helen Lee

We stayed the night out on Rhosfach common, perfect for astronomy, no light pollution, no street lights and plenty of open sky .

I was dozing for most of the evening and at around 01h30m I ventured outside to do a bit of Leonid fishing.

Within a couple of minutes a sporadic meteor was spotted out towards Orion, followed quickly by a sporadic over near Gemini.

It was cold outside with a slight breeze, but not noticeably freezing. Within the next minute  I spotted my first Leonid, a moderate to fast moving streak of greenish tinged flame shooting  towards the Plough.

This classic shooting star was unmistakeably a Leonid, the ionized trail was some 5 degrees in length and eminated from the direction of Leo.

I only stayed outside for about twenty minutes, in that time I spotted six meteors, only two of them were obvious Leonids.

After twenty minutes the cold night started to bite,  time to get back to the warmth of the camper van.

Looking forward to the Geminids next month.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Just look at those stars.!

June 14th 21h15mUT Maksutov 90mm x100 AIII/IV

Out towards the south west, Jupiter stood all alone, in a beautiful clear darkening sky.

The Great Red Spot (GRS) was in mid transit at 20h51m UT tonight.

By my clock it was just past 21h05m UT, I was in luck and quickly grabbed the Mak90.

After a couple of minutes setup I was observing the Jupiter dance. 

The GRS was easily seen; just about midway on Jupiter's disk.

The seeing this evening was terrible, I was surprised to have seen anything of the GRS.

A good night for naked eye and maybe binoculars, not a good night for telescopes.

Sometimes it's better to just put away that telescope, find a dry patch of land, lie down and simply look up at the stars.

Tonight is one of those nights.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

"Double glazed" Mars filters.

June 4th 03h15m UT x125  Mak90 -  Diam: 15.8"
(via-Double glazing filters)

A few mornings ago I tried my hand at Mars observing... through one of our bedroom windows!

Not my first choice of observing methods, but I wanted to see how "bad" Mars could be, as viewed through a "double glazing" filter.

Setup of the 90mm Mak was easy and within a minute, via a 10mm eyepiece, I was sailing over Mars, looking at a wonderfully massive south polar cap.

The dark band adjacent to the polar cap was easily seen.

Mars at the moment has to it a slight gibbous phase, which was easily picked out at x125.

It would have made more sense to go outside and view the red planet, but I was half asleep and didn't feel like dragging myself out into the garden. Something which I will remedy over the next month or so. 

By July I expect to be camped out on some distant hill in Pembrokeshire, unwilling to move until this Mars opposition is over!

June 4th 2018 03h15mUT

In conclusion I had a good peep at the South Polar Cap, which will be interesting to observe as it recedes in the now martian summer. 

Plus some dark banding was easily detectable on the edge of the entire polar region.  

Also the gibbous phase could easily be detected.

All in all not a bad result for viewing through a "double glazed" filter!  

When the West wind blows.

There's some windy stormy weather heading towards Pembrokeshire over the next few days. Looks as if I might not have a clear night for a...