First light with my new solar filter.
Yesterday my solar filter sheet turned up. It took ten minutes to fit it to my filter holder, and another five hours for the skies to clear sufficiently to allow me to test it. Around about 16h30m UT the skies were perfect for observing with the Tal1. I well see why astronomers get hooked on observing the Sun. It was mesmerising as it hung there shimmering with life giving heat. I've always been a night time astronomer, the Sun always took second place to the moon and stars. From now on, observing our nearest star is going to be high on my list. First image with the new solar filter. Helen and I went to our local bootsale in Haverfordwest yesterday morning, where I picked up for £1 this digital camera. It has a 3.1Mp chip and a video mode that captures AVI's. After setting up the Tal and solar filter, I managed to capture this image. I've added a bit of colour with Paint shop Pro. Also, the video setting on the camera allow