Old School Astronomer - Citizen of Starship Earth - Typewriter Enthusiast - Artist by Day -
Thursday, 27 February 2025
Mercury Falling - Venus so bright.
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
When the West wind blows.
There's some windy stormy weather heading towards Pembrokeshire over the next few days.
Looks as if I might not have a clear night for a while.
This gives me time to try out a few drawing and typewriter astro projects.
Here's another typewriter astro log book entry, from a few years back.
I notice no mention of the year on the above log entry, I think it was 2020.
Saturday, 15 February 2025
Observe the Moon for £3.50
Last night whilst digging through my astro images, I found this picture.
I haven't done one of these typewriter posts for ages!
Must make some new ones, it's long overdue.
The above observation was made with a simple 40mm refractor.
If memory serves, the refractor cost me all of £3.50 from a local charity shop, back in a time when it was possible to pick up such bargains.
Goes to show that astronomy needn't be an expensive hobby.
The Partial month of March
Robin red breast in a nearby tree, the sleepy village church bell tolling ten times, the Sun shining bright and Spring like. This spell of m...

Digging around in a charity shop the other day I found an interesting book titled: The Modern Children's Library of Knowledge Bo...
It had been a beautifully hot day, the Sun was relentless, happy, strong, and chromium yellow in a big blue cloudless sky. Our motorhome ...
One of my favourite astronomy books, or series of books, has to be Burnham's Celestial Handbook , a three volume collection of refer...