Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Today's solar activity - 30/06/21

Plenty of solar action this morning, AR 2835 has a wonderful plage display snaking its way around the region. 

Also there are a few filaments, which can be just seen in the pictures, but easily spotted with the naked eye.

The Sun here is hot today, though nowhere near as hot as in some parts of the world.  

My thoughts are with  the people of the Pacific North West, who are experiencing temperatures as high as 46 Celsius at the moment !  

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

June 22nd 2021 Hydrogen Alpha light.


A couple of prominences today, plus a very noticeable long filament, with sunspot group 2833 close by. 

Seeing not good, and overall solar contrast low.

Difficult to pull out any detail with the IrfanView software.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Summer Solstice in hydrogen alpha.


I had a quick sol peep this morning, but not much prominence activity, as the above picture shows. 

Skies were pretty well clouded out for the whole day.

Did manage to spot a lovely dark filament, though unfortunately failed to capture it on the camera. 

Maybe tomorrow I will have better seeing conditions..... you can't win them all   :-) 

Happy Solstice...

When the West wind blows.

There's some windy stormy weather heading towards Pembrokeshire over the next few days. Looks as if I might not have a clear night for a...