Saturday 18 February 2023

Sol imaging in January

Considering all those cloudy days of January, I was more than pleased to capture the following Hydrogen alpha images.

Thursday 16 February 2023

Typewriter astro experiment

Just trying out one of my astronomy typewriter journal entries. 

Was wondering what it would look like on my Blog site.

Monday 13 February 2023

Solar wash out - Setting Sun.

So far this month the Seeing** and Transparency  have been awful. 

I've had a few clear blue skies, but the transparency problem has left the prominences washed out and lacking in contrast. 

No doubt the Sol imaging will better itself as the weeks go by.

Yesterday evening, the sunset from our village looked amazing.

I wondered if I could catch an image of old Sol as he sank into the nearby hills. 

Here is the result:

You can just make out a large prominence at about the 350 degree position on the Sun's edge.

Through the Ha telescope it looks amazing to witness the Sun dropping out of sight behind a foreground of man made objects, in this instance some hilltop sheep fencing.

** For a great article about Seeing, have a look at Damian Peach's online page:

Under the trees - Above, the Aurora.

It had been a beautifully hot day, the Sun was relentless, happy, strong, and chromium yellow in a big blue cloudless sky. Our motorhome &qu...