Saturday, 29 January 2022

Solar Prominence: Saturday January 29th.

Not a very strong diplay this afternoon, the sky was blue from around 1.00 p.m.

At least I was able to capture this image. 

My "Coronograph filter" enabled a bit more contrast to be seen on the final picture.

Coronado PST 40mm/ f10 afocal 12.5mm Kellner and S6 camera phone.

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Hydrogen Alpha - Home made Coronograph.

Recently I decided to have a go at making my own "Coronograph" images.

Well almost; I cheated.

I simply took one of my hydrogen alpha images and opened it a Windows Paint Shop program. 

Then, after a bit of editing, here are the results.

Paint Shop allowed me to easily make a black disc that fitted over the solar centre.

So far it looks promising.

Clear Sol Skies 

Thursday, 6 January 2022

First Ha light of 2022

Just a quick post of today's hydrogen alpha image, my first solar image of the year.

Not much white light activity today, very little in the way of visual sun spots. 

Though there was one interesting grouping, but with little detail, as seen through the Ha 40mm PST.

Pretty quiet as regards prominence activity, but I did manage this image, taken through our bedroom (closed) window. 

January 6th 2022 - 15h15m UT : SFI 84 - SN 24

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda - Happy New Year

Clear Skies 

Anyone remember this catalogue?  Fullerscope reflectors from the 1980's ...proper Old School.

N.B  I must get those bedroom windows cleaned!

When the West wind blows.

There's some windy stormy weather heading towards Pembrokeshire over the next few days. Looks as if I might not have a clear night for a...