Blue sky, scudding clouds and COLD outside. A quick morning image of Sol. Considering the photo was taken through the closed kitchen window I'm happy with the results.
With a quick break in the clouds this morning, I managed to capture a few prominence shots. I placed a black cloth over the telescope and my head. There was a marked improvement in prominence contrast. Sat in the garden with a black sheet over my head, on a windy dull day... I wonder what the neighbours thought!
Rained heavily this morning, but around 2.30pm the clouds parted, and out came the Sun. Old Sol wasn't the only object to be seen.. Helen noticed that the large prominence on view looked like the Eiffel Tower! Eiffel Tower Prominence
Clouded out for most of the day, though did manage to capture a quick image. Orion 90mm Maksutov - White light filter - Afocal Samsung S6. Tried a bit of copy and paste with the supplied Android app. Here is the rough result. Active Region 2936 Still cold out there today, but really glad to see the days are now noticeably longer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've just had a go at cleaning up the above picture with IrfanView software. I'll let you decide which is better. Irfan View software Android phone App
Not a very strong diplay this afternoon, the sky was blue from around 1.00 p.m. At least I was able to capture this image. My " Coronograph filter " enabled a bit more contrast to be seen on the final picture. Coronado PST 40mm/ f10 afocal 12.5mm Kellner and S6 camera phone.
Recently I decided to have a go at making my own " Coronograph " images. Well almost; I cheated. I simply took one of my hydrogen alpha images and opened it a Windows Paint Shop program. Then, after a bit of editing, here are the results. Paint Shop allowed me to easily make a black disc that fitted over the solar centre. So far it looks promising. Clear Sol Skies