Glitter like a swarm of fireflies
Tangled in a silver braid
A clear night with a whisper of a cooling breeze.
High up Vega is now noticeably Westward
The Pleiades now spotted in the East.. here
comes the Autumn.
There are many names given to this most
wonderful of star clusters, The Seven Sisters, The Starry Seven, Children of
Atlas, The Seven Atlantic Sisters, The Hen and her Chicks to name just a few.
But my favourite name for the Pleiades has
to be the Japanese name of SUBARU.
The Japanese language contains some lovely
astronomy related names e.g. Hoshi=Star, Hi=Sun, Tsuki=Moon, Milky
Viewing Subaru through 8x40 binoculars
never fails to bring a smile to my face.
This cluster was made for binoculars.
Subaru along with the Orion nebula can always guarantee a spontaneous WOW! followed by a dance around the garden.
Clear Skies