
Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Memories of the Moon gone by.

Recently whilst looking through some old astronomy notes, I found the following drawings.

Memory tells me they were drawn with a Conte crayon on black cartridge paper. 

Strange that I haven't made drawings like this for at least the past seven years!

The world "speeding up" is part of my problem; I've spent far too much time these past several years procrastinating, dithering and sliding down various rabbit holes.

It's about time I dug out the Conte crayons and the sketch books.

That Moon is there for the sketching.

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

An analogue mind returns.

Having for several months been distracted by world politics, and those fast change media platforms, I find myself wanting to sloowww doownn!

Breath out and take the scenic route via my old favourite Blogger site.

From today I'm going to post all my content, be it astronomy, poetry, art, typewriters, travelling etc solely on to this blog. 

Time to move away from the the speedy digital and hitch a ride onto the slower analogue.

Goodbye digital fog.
Hello clear analogue skies.

Time for a cup of tea .

Friday, 7 March 2025

Typewriting the Astro.

Anyone who uses an old typewriter this way gets my vote.

Even more so if their write up is astronomy related.

The above image was found on a sheet of paper hidden in an old astronomy book I picked up a few years ago.

Before I took up blogging, (18 years ago!!), I would often type up my astro observings on whatever typewriter I had handy.

Monday, 3 March 2025

The Partial month of March.

Robin red breast in a nearby tree, the sleepy village church bell tolling ten times, the Sun shining bright and Spring like.

This spell of much awaited blue sky has been the backdrop for several recent wonderful astro events.

They included that much talked of planetary parade, (still didn't spot Saturn!), some amazing sea setting sunsets, a crescent Moon and a Venus & Mercury dance. 

In the early evening last night as the frost began to grip the land, several old friends reappeared over towards the East. 

Arcturus, Vega, Epsilon Lyrae, to name a few. 

Those early evening stars like the ground bound daffodils and snowdrops, hint at the release of the Winter months.

Spring is definitely springing at the moment.

The Partial month of March:

There is a partial lunar eclipse in the early morning of Friday the 14th, plus a partial solar eclipse near midday on Saturday the 29th.

The camera will be ready, notebooks will be open, tea will be drunk, and cake will be eaten.

It's going to be a great month for sky watching.